Hello,years ago you did a show Richmond,Va at a now defunct club called the Floodzone (w/David Ryan Harris)I recall you werent feeling all that well that day,however I do recall everyone enjoyed your performance that day. I hope you get this message so you’ll know how much you were loved that evening(it’s been a few years mid 90’s)I hope you can gig in Richmond,Va again sometime in the future. take care a Jazz musician from Richmond,Va Darrl Davenport
Hello,years ago you did a show Richmond,Va at a now defunct club called the Floodzone (w/David Ryan Harris)I recall you werent feeling all that well that day,however I do recall everyone enjoyed your performance that day. I hope you get this message so you’ll know how much you were loved that evening(it’s been a few years mid 90’s)I hope you can gig in Richmond,Va again sometime in the future. take care a Jazz musician from Richmond,Va Darrl Davenport